About Lonza

exterior of the Lonza building

Lonza is one of the world’s largest companies for contract development and manufacturing.

History of Lonza

Founded in 1897 in the Swiss Alps, today, Lonza operates across five continents. With approximately 16,000 employees, we comprise high-performing teams and individual talent that make a meaningful difference to our own business, as well as to the communities in which we operate.

To learn more about Lonza and how they are enabling a healthier world, please visit the company website here.

How Does Lonza Make a Difference?

We are making strides in medical research and development every day in the fields of:

  • Small Molecules
  • Biologics
  • Cell & Gene
  • Capsules and Health Ingredients

We are seeking healthy bone marrow donors between the ages of 18 and 45 to help us develop the medicines and treatments of tomorrow.

Is Donating Blood Marrow with Lonza Safe?

Lonza is recognized for reliable, high-quality services, regulatory track record, global footprint, innovative technology, and extensive experience.

Donating bone marrow is an outpatient procedure performed with a topical anesthetic performed by our doctors at one of two donation centers in Germantown or Bethesda. Donors can drive themselves to and from the appointment and are usually ready to leave about 15 to 20 minutes after the procedure.

How Will Lonza Use My Donation?

Research scientists will use your bone marrow donation to develop and test life-changing medicines and treatments. Your donation will be an integral part of creating treatments and cures for devastating diseases and illnesses.

credit: copyright: Lonza Ltd

Donate to help create the treatments and cures of tomorrow.

I Want to Help